Friday, October 19, 2012

The 10 most terrifying movies for Halloween viewing

Who doesn't love to sit down and watch a scary movie for Halloween?  This list is according to my family.  Feel free to comment and mention others you think we missed.  We prefer movies that put fear in your mind, not go out for grossing you out with gore.

10: JAWS (1975)  This movie is old and the effects are not as scary as we have become accustomed to, but wow, a killer shark?  I bet you think twice before swimming in the ocean.  I was reminded of how terrifying this was when my 11 year old watched it for the first time this summer.   She crawled onto my lap for most of it!

9: Children of the Corn (1984)  Maybe because we all grew up on farms surrounded by corn fields...He who walks behind the rows scared the beegeezus out of me!  I still get a little creeped out when the wind blows just right through some corn!

8: Carrie (1976) Steven King, you are a master.  Some of your books translated into wonderfully chilling movies; this is one of them.  Poor, mistreated girl gets back at the school.  When her hand comes out of the grave...terrifying.

7. Saw (2004) Oh Cary Elwes, how do you go from lovable Wesley to Dr. Gordon?  From "as you wish" to diabolical mad man?

6. The Signs (2002) Aliens trying to kill a family?  Scary.  That whole baby monitor scene, sends shivers down your spine.  eerie.

5. Rosemary's baby (1968) Giving birth to Satan's child; truly terrifying!

4. Psycho (1960)  Norman Bates, you are one messed up boy.  Never stay in a creepy motel in the middle of nowhere.

3. The Exorcist (1973) I had to sleep on my parent's bedroom floor after watching this!  I was terrified.

2.The Sixth Sense (1999) You know you jumped when the lady in the bathrobe walked through the hallway.  And, everyone gasped "He's dead!"  at the end.  Superb twist.  Incredibly scary.

1.The Shining (1980) Jack Nicholson at his best.  Could he look more scary?  This movie is proof that you never, ever want to be caretaker at some deserted resort.  No matter what the pay, don't do it!

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