Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black Friday weekend continues

My favorite get-together of the year happens on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  That is my Dad's family Turk-Xmas party. The family has grown so much that we rent a hall and have one very large party a year.  this allows everyone to plan ahead and most people make it.  for us, the drive isn't too far; some come a very long way.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone again and annihilating my aunt at a game of spoons.
Since we have a pretty big day, my youngest daughter and I made breakfast last night.

Cinnamon swirl bread

This recipe uses a bread machine, so I just let her measure everything, and we turned it on.  When the time came for assembly, I did one as an example, and she did the other.  We brushed ours with an egg wash so they would get a nice toasty, shiny color.

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