Sunday, October 14, 2012

It's good to be alive!

What a beautiful day today!  the air was crisp, the sky blue, the trees are in blazing color, today was a marvelous gift from God.  as I left work, I heard my current favorite song "It's Good to be Alive."  I just love the lyrics...
"Hold on, is this really the life I am living?
Cause I don't feel like I deserve it.
Every day that I wake,
Every breath that I take, 
You've given.
So, right here, right now
While the sun is shining down;
I want to live like there's no tomorrow,
Love like I'm on borrowed time, 
It's good to be alive.
I won't take it for granted
I won't waste another second
All i want is to give you
A life well lived,
To say thank you."

This song always makes me smile and makes me think of all of the things I have to be thankful for.  Some of those are; My mom came home from the nursing home today and is doing great, Julia got an A on a spelling test, Caitlin is having a good week at school, I am having a fabulous week at work, everyone is healthy, what more can I ask for?
Do you ever just sit back and think Wow, I am a lucky person?  I do.  Do you think about all of the people and things in your life that God has placed there just because he loves you?  Check out my 365 days of grateful page if you are interested in seeing my list.  I am trying to document a year of thankfulness.

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